The focal point for all Sue’s work: a meeting place and source of inspiration for those working with personal stories and storytelling in the fields of performance, personal development, therapy and leadership. At the heart of the Centre is a worldwide community of registered organisations and individuals who offer courses, trainings and coaching in this area.
Sue is a Founding member of the Centre for Narrative Leadership, the network for organisational storytelling and a consultant with Narrative Leadership Associates.
Sue is a Founding member and Patron of this International Association contributing to the revitalisation of the village and valley of Amari in Crete through the art of storytelling.
Sue was a Founder of the School of Storytelling at Emerson College in the UK until she formed the Centre for Biographical Storytelling in 2016.
Gilly Southwood collaborates with Sue in Cape Town and is the organiser of her courses there.
Sue is a member of the team of consultants working with NTL practitioner Kate Cowie at this Aberdeen based consultancy and contributed to Kate’s book on leadership called Finding Merlin
Sue teaches at the Dutch International Storytelling Centre based in The Hague, The Netherlands
Sue both teaches and is a consultant to the Seiba Storytelling Centre based in Istanbul Turkey.
Sue offers walking, storytelling and life coaching weeks in the UK with her sister, Jan Castle, an experienced and life changing coach
Sue collaborates with astrologer John Wadsworth to offer courses combining Greek myths and astrology
Based in North Island New Zealand, a school of storytelling started by one of Sue’s previous students, Judy Frost-Evans
The beautiful centre in Cape Town that hosts Sue’s work in South Africa
Sue offers courses at this Bangalore based storytelling initiative in India
The Centre for Biographical Storytelling is a member of the Federation for European Storytelling
Sue and the composer and singer Helen Chadwick often collaborate on walking, storytelling and singing adventures in the UK
Sue and the conservation adventurer, mountain wilderness guide and wildpeace advocate Galeo Saintz collaborate on walking and storytelling happenings in South Africa
Sue and the fine artist and sculptor Richard Heys collaborate in walking, storytelling and drawing courses in the UK
Lee Hannam designed and built Sue’s website
UK publisher of The Storyteller’s Way: Sourcebook for Inspired Storytelling
The Woza Moya Project in South Africa supports children and grandparents who are living with the consequences of bereavement from the HIV virus.
Clowns Without Borders aims to improve the condition of life for children and communities living in crisis, through laughter and humour.